If you want to lose rapidly, chances are that you’ll go for a combo using a meal replacement shake for weight loss and a dash of exercise. Following a protein shake diet could shave off a decent chunk of weight in not a whole lot of time. But when is the right time to consume a meal replacement powder for weight loss? Is it before or after a workout? Well, the answer may not be as clear as you think.
The most beneficial time to use your meal replacement shake for weight loss is post-workout. This is when your body is most receptive to the protein, which will help to boost muscle toning and recovery. However, there are benefits to consuming the meal replacement shake beforehand too. For example, taking the shake beforehand will give you more energy to get through your session, and it may even slightly boost your strength.
Let’s explain. We’ll help you decide whether it is more beneficial for you to use the meal replacement shake before or after your workout.
A Word of Warning
We do want to point out that a keto protein shake (and all meal replacement shakes) is not designed to replace every single meal that you have. It is only there to replace one or two meals per day. If you use a meal replacement shake for everything, you won’t be getting the right number of nutrients in your diet. You won’t be getting enough calories, and you certainly won’t be enjoying it. As delicious as some protein shakes are, you do need a little treat now and then.
So, as we go through the benefits of consuming a meal replacement before and after a workout, try to choose just one time to have it. So, don’t consume before and after a workout. Choose one and stick with it.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the reasons why you should consume the meal replacement before a workout, and then why you may want to consider consuming after a workout instead.
Consuming a Meal Replacement to Lose Weight Before a Workout
As we said – a meal replacement shake is something that you’re normally going to be taking throughout the day. When you take a meal replacement shake, you will be replacing one or two meals. You’ll be getting many of the nutrients that you need in a single shake, often with a far lower calorie count than eating a full meal. This means quick weight loss. Having a protein shake becomes almost part of your routine. Sure, you won’t just buy a protein shake with vanilla flavor and only have that, but you will certainly be consuming it often. Remember – you need more food than just a protein shake!
This does lead us to our first benefit, though. It is a minor one, but still a benefit. Most people will consume the shake before a workout session because it is part of their routine. You must eat just before they workout (for extra energy), so it is nice just to replace that meal with a protein shake. Even experienced athletes will consume some sort of protein-based snack before their workout session because of the energy boost, plus the other benefits.
Let’s run you through these benefits. This way, you can see what we mean.
Boosts Your Nutrients Before Exercise
Exercise is strenuous. No matter what type of exercise you do, you’re going to be putting a lot of pressure on your body. When you consume a keto meal replacement shake before your exercise (or any type of protein shake, for that matter), you’re going to provide your body with energy. This energy can be used to make you workout harder and for longer periods of time. This means that you get far more benefit from your exercise.
While your meal replacement with protein shake is going to be loaded with all sorts of nutrients, it is the macronutrients that will be the most important. This is:
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fats
The carbohydrates and fats are going to give your body access to energy that it can use throughout your exercise. So, the protein shake is really going to help you there. The fats will also ensure that you can absorb all the beneficial nutrients loaded into the protein shake. However, it is the proteins that will have the most benefit.
When you work out, you are putting your body under a lot of stress. It doesn’t matter whether you’re doing strength training or cardio, your muscles are going to get a proper workout. When you put your muscles to work, they’ll break down a little bit. Don’t worry. This is a good thing. When your muscles start to repair themselves, they’ll get a bit stronger. For those muscles to repair themselves, they need a lot of protein. So, consuming protein before your workout is going to give your body a head start on the nutrients that it needs.
Increased Performance
There is some evidence that suggests that taking a protein shake before working out could increase your strength in the gym. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to suddenly be able to lift hefty weights that you wouldn’t have been able to dream of before. A protein shake isn’t Popeye’s spinach (we hope that reference isn’t too old for some of you), but you may find it a touch easier to lift weights that are a couple of pounds heavier.
This means that when you consume a protein shake before you work out, you can see faster improvements when it comes to muscle strength, etc. You may also see a small improvement in other elements of your workout too.
The impact is negligible, but it is there (for most people).
When to Consume a Meal Replacement Shake Before a Workout
If you do consume a meal replacement shake before you workout, then you must drink it at the right time. Drinking just before the session will have no benefit. Your body will not digest anything in that meal replacement shake before you workout, and thus it will have no benefit. Ideally, you should be drinking it 2 hours or so before you workout (with another additional snack just before the workout starts). That's the only way you'll feel the most benefit with a pre-workout meal replacement.
The Downsides of Consuming Before a Workout
There are a couple of downsides to consuming a meal replacement powder for weight loss before you work out, though.
First and foremost – it can make you sick. As delicious as some protein powders are (particularly a protein shake with vanilla), they can taste quite heavy. They are designed to be a meal replacement, after all. Some people find that heading into a particularly strenuous workout with a full stomach just makes them sick. We’ve seen it a lot at gyms. People overfill on their protein shakes, and they end up vomiting, or at least cutting their workout session a bit short.
We also feel that consuming that protein shake after a workout often has more benefits when it comes to getting the figure that you want. We assume that the whole reason behind you taking a meal replacement is that you are looking to lose weight and tone up your body. So, take the meal replacement after the workout, and you’ll be inching closer and closer to that.
Consuming a Meal Replacement to Lose Weight After a Workout
When most people take a meal replacement powder for weight loss, they’ll consume it after their workout. And we are talking almost right after the workout. If you want the most impact from your keto protein shake, then you should be consuming it within 20-30 minutes of your workout session finishing. This is when you’ll get the most benefit. Let’s explain why.
The Anabolic Window – When Your Body is Most Receptive to Proteins
Head to a gym and many gymgoers will refer to somebody known as the anabolic window. This is the period where your body is the most receptive to protein i.e. it can put the proteins that you consume to proper use.
There is some debate about the length of the anabolic window. Some people will tell you that it is 30-60 minutes post-workout, while others will tell you that the anabolic window starts shortly before your workout session and lasts for up to 3-4 hours after.
Studies do seem to suggest that the peak anabolic window is shortly after you have finished a workout. If you take your meal replacement shake within 2-3 hours of working out, then it will have a lot more benefit than consuming that protein shake an hour or so before your workout.
Look at us. Talking about the anabolic window without saying why it is important. Well, that leads us neatly to the next section.
Meal Replacement Shakes Will Help Muscle Repair and Growth
As we said earlier – when you work out, you are putting your muscles under a lot of strain. When this happens, you’ll be creating loads of micro-tears on your muscles (it is not painful, we promise). Your body gets to work repairing these micro-tears quickly. As it repairs them, your muscles will become bigger and stronger. Well, it takes a while to get bigger and stronger but, rest assured, each workout session is going to inch you closer and closer to that goal.
Now, do you know what your body needs to fuel that entire repair process? Yep! You guessed it. It is protein. Lots and lots of protein. This is where that anabolic window comes in handy. Your body will need a ton of protein to help repair all those muscles that you’ve just ‘damaged’ during your workout session, so the more you can absorb, the better. So, if you take your meal replacement shake after your workout, your body will tone itself up faster.
Not only this, but the protein can help to reduce the risk of pain after a workout session. After all, your body will be using all that extra protein to repair your muscles.
Now, don’t get us wrong – your body can still repair and build muscles from proteins that you consumed before a workout session. It just isn’t as effective at doing so.
Meal Replacement Shakes Will Refuel You
If you’ve been working out hard (and we are positive you have been), then you are going to be incredibly tired after your workout session. So, what do you do? Yep! You get some food into your body. Your meal replacement shake is loaded with carbs, and that is going to give you a nice energy boost, helping you to feel nice and perky.
Since you will need to eat something after you have worked out anyway, why not make it your meal replacement shake? It’ll probably be far healthier than anything else that you are planning to feast on.
You’ll Be Able to Workout Again Quicker
Finally – all this repairing and refueling is going to have a major benefit. It’ll help your body recover faster, and this means that you’ll be able to workout again sooner rather than later.
Repeatedly, it has been shown that those who consume a protein shake after working out are more likely to go to the gym (or do cardio) more times per week than somebody who doesn’t touch a protein shake.
Since we are confident that you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, this means that you’re going to need to work out more. This means that the ideal time to take your meal replacement shake will be after a workout session.
The Downsides
Do bear in mind that even if you are planning to have your keto protein shake after your workout session, you’re going to need to have something to eat before. If you don’t eat anything, then you will be too tired to work out. So, if you consume the meal replacement shake after the session, you’ll be doubling up on the amount that you eat. So, if you do consume the meal replacement shake after you exercise, make sure that whatever you eat before is small. A sugar-free protein bar, or something like that. Maybe an apple or another piece of fruit. Nothing too crazy. It just shouldn’t be another meal replacement shake.
Drinking Your Meal Replacement Shake at Any Time
Finally - you could do what some people do and ignore timings altogether. Some studies do suggest that it doesn't matter when you consume your meal replacement shake. The only thing that matters is that you're getting enough nutrients (especially protein) into your diet each day. So, some people will have the meal replacement shake whenever it is the most convenient to have it. It may not have the same benefits as consuming it just before or after your workout, but it will still be better than nothing. So, if you're struggling to come up with a proper protein shake routine, do this. Nobody will mind. Your body will still look better and you will lose weight (assuming that you are not overeating).
Keto Meal Replacement Shake for Weight Loss – Before or After?
The are benefits to consuming a meal replacement shake both before and after a workout. However, the optimal time (for most people) seems to be right after a workout. Drink your protein shake within 30-60 minutes after a workout session and it will have the biggest benefit to your body. Your muscles will tone up quicker, and you’ll enjoy more energy (and far less muscle pain).
Remember – always make sure you buy the right meal replacement shake for your workout. We highly suggest the HARMONIFY Meal Replacement Shake. It is loaded with the right proteins for working out, and the vanilla taste means that it is palatable too!
How Many Meal Replacement Shakes a Day?
You should not replace every meal with a meal replacement shake. At the most, you should use one for 2 meals per day, although 1 is likely going to be better. Consuming a meal replacement shake for every meal can lead to an extreme calorie deficit and may lead to nutritional deficiencies.
How Can I Keep My Immune System Strong While Losing Weight?
Look for meal replacement shakes high in immune system-boosting vitamins like A, D, C, and E. You should also try to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Is Meal Replacement Shakes Good for Weight Loss?
Meal replacement shakes can help you through initial weight loss. While they are not a long-term solution to weight loss, they can help you to quickly cut calories while also ensuring that you have ample access to essential vitamins and nutrients.
Which Meal Replacement Shake is Best?
The HARMONIFY meal replacement shake is regarded as one of the best meal replacement shakes on the market. It has lots of essential vitamins and nutrients, and it is a keto-friendly shake. It is available in formulations for both men and women.